Saturday, May 25, 2013

Weather Woes

No end in sight for the wet weather we've been experiencing, which makes any outside work on the boat impossible.  I've given up on the idea that the brightwork is going to get done before we launch.

I cleaned the boat inside from bow to stern today which was long over due.  It looks a lot better.  I might have a brief weather window tomorrow to get the bottom painted.

We painted the cottage bathroom today as well, but we're quickly running out of rooms to paint.

Monday, May 20, 2013

It's a Spar-Raisin'

I finally got outside after a couple of long days of painting.  The weather was better than forcasted which was a bonus, given the plan was to spend the day in the boatyard.

After a healthy dose of socializing with my fellow Skippers, I turned my attention to the mast which needed a few fix-ups.  It turned out things went quicker than expected, so I had time to chat with Skipper Steve who was home from the hospital.  Rather than leaving the mast on the ground for another week, I took advantage of a boatyard of help to raise the spar back onto the boat.

If we get a few good weather days this week the target launch day is next Saturday or Sunday.  Fingers crossed!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Official Start to...errr....Fall?

Victoria Day weekend is normally Canada's official start to summer, but single digit temperatures, wind, rain and wet snow made it feel like fall.  Not being able to work on the boat met that I was assigned to paint the 1970's wood panelling at the cottage.  I am sure it will look great, but I sure hope the weather improves soon!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Good Ol' Boat For Sale

One of the beautiful things about sailing are the people you "meet", or in the case of the electronic world the virtual connections you make.  Through the wonders of the internet and Facebook I connected with Skipper Jarrett, who captains a Redwing 30, serial number 137 (Exploits is #136).  I've never met Jarrett and never talked to him on the phone.  Yet oddly enough, I consider him and his advice and encouragement to be a very important part of my sail boat life.

I am guessing that Jarrett's boat is maintained in mint condition.  I also know thing or two about Redwings.  I'm thinking then, that this is a fine boat that will provide someone with years of enjoyment, just like Exploits has provided to us.  And who knows, if they have a Facebook account, maybe I'll make a new friend!

Good luck selling the boat Skipper and thanks for all the advice!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Hooray, Hooray

Hooray,'s May and sailing season is only a few days away!

Demasted Exploits today for some electrical and rigging repairs. Took advantage of the nice weather and got the woodwork sanded and ready for varnish. BHYC docks are in...expect boats will splash on the Victoria Day weekend....Canada's official start to summer.