We finally got "most" of the work done on Exploits and got her back in the water in her new home, the Barrachois Harbour Yacht Club. She went in on Saturday evening. Daniel and I spent most of Sunday getting her ready.
Our first sail in the Tatmagouche Bay was on Victoria Day (Monday). Judy, Daniel and I had intended to go out for a quick sail before the company arrived. We didn't check the tide schedule though and ended up hitting a sand bar. We eventually got off, but it meant we had to spend another 2.5 hours in the bay waiting for the tide to come up. On our way in the second time we ran into another bar at the mouth of the marina. Four other boats got stuck on it before us. The water on the North Shore is very shallow to say the least, which is going to take some getting used to after sailing in Halifax.
Is nice to have such a striking boat as a neighbour at our marina. All the hard work and especially brightwork is noticable and makes for a very pretty looking boat.
Nut Case
1987 J27
Thanks for your kind words and all your excellent advice.