It was a very noisy night on the hook. We set the handheld GPS to where we were supposed to be on the anchor and checked it throughout the night. Exploits seems to like to swing alot through the night, but everything was fine in the morning. The wind died down in the morning in time for us to wake to the rumbling of "Big Zip" coming into Baddeck Harbour.
We met up with the kids for breakfast in a little cafe in Baddeck which seems to be our favourite place for breakfast. Raison bread toast with apple and cheddar cheese was a popular choice.
After breakfast, we finally got to tie up at the marina. We were told "Jimmy" would be down on the docks to greet us and help us tie up, but I guess it slipped his mind. This would be a re-occurring trend over the next few days. The day was full of events.
Jude and the crew went for a walk up to Usiage Bang Falls. While they were gone, the gong show broke out.
I noticed Joe was hosing his tender out on the dock. Turns out that their head storage tank overflowed a few days before. They hosed the offending mess into the bilge. Once we tied up, Joe ran a hose into the front hatch to wash things down, which of course filled the bilge. As "luck" or "bad luck" would have it, the bilge emptied out into the tender tied off the stern. It was almost too funny to be true.
We unfortunately weren't spared a poop story either. "Jimmy" the dock dude who operated in a serious haze, spilled poop over our deck while pumping out the holding tank. Next time I'll just discharge "off shore".
I discovered the guy next to me was a diver, so I asked if he was interested in going down to install a new anode on our drive shaft since we finally flung the loose on off the day before. Wilson discovered after he suited up with all his diving gear that we still had one attached. I was sure it wasn't there the day before!
And if all that was enough, I dropped the power cord adaptor into the water. Jimmy, the dock dude, got me a dip net. Unfortunately the handle was too short so he found me a stick and some duck tape. He then proceeded to tape his dreadlock to the dip net handle.
After all the excitement of getting the boat docked, cleaned out and fixed up, a couple from Baddeck (John and Judy) who own a Alberg 37 came over to ask about Exploits. They noticed us coming in a few days before and saw us tied up at Baddeck Marina. It's kind of neat, that amongst all these boats, Exploits is unique enough to attract attention.
Later in the day the "boys" went over to BYC to have a beer or two. "Some of us" eventually came back to assist in making supper.
Nice quiet night. It felt good to be tied up and just relax.